Classroom Talk
A Free School Resource

Life in a Rainforest
This is a very tried and tested session used many times. We start by enjoying a short sound and picture quiz, trying to identify different noises found in a rainforest.
We look at the location of rainforests, their 'layers', why they have so much biodiversity, and what can affect them.
Some of the numerous plants, insects and animals are explored in detail along with how some of the local people exist.
This session is supported by my photos, video clips and stories from first hand experience in various rainforests, particularly Guyana and Papua New Guinea.
This talk can be used as part of a series to show comparison of habitats between rain forests, arctic, deserts etc
"I liked it all but the part that stood out the most was the sound quiz."
From Jack, Yr 5

How can the children participate?
handle variety of seed pods
and wood
touch items made
from seeds
try the sound quiz