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Life on a River

This session concentrates on rivers in one particular country - Papua New Guinea - and shows the variety of life supported along its banks and in the water. We first explore the terrain of the country from the air and the ground. 


We see the different moods of the rivers and look at some of the clans of peoples living on the banks of the longest river, the Sepik; we show how their lives have to constantly adapt to cope with changing water levels.   


PNG is an exciting country for children to glimpse as there are flamboyant birds, animals and cultures found nowhere else in the world.  I have many photos, video clips and stories to share with the children as well as many unique and rare artefacts for them to handle.  


This topic uses much of the content used in   'Life Never Without Water' but with an emphasis on rivers so can be adapted depending on the school's current topic




touch unique masks

handle shell jewellery

watch flamboyant

cultural dances

see the river from the air

How can the children participate?



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