Classroom Talk
A Free School Resource

Welcome to
'Classroom Talk'
A Free School Resource

You’ve done the background work, you’ve spent valuable time with your students on curriculum topics perhaps covering ecology, habitats and lifestyles of peoples around the world..
How useful would it be to have someone talk to your class - someone who had actually visited far flung places, experienced life in different habitats and interacted with those remote people, someone to bring the project alive and give it an extra dimension with artefacts for children to handle?
I can help.....

I have travelled extensively over the last 20 years throughout continents and countries on voluntary projects and unusual holidays. My interest and passion for exploring the natural world and learning about different cultures remains undiminished. My career was in Customer Service Management, with experience in staff coaching and customer presentations. Now retired, I have more time to channel my energies into 'Classroom Talk'.
I do not charge for my sessions within a 10 mile radius of my home; otherwise travel costs may apply. I do not ask for donations or represent any specific charity. References can be provided if necessary.
Next step? Please feel free to contact me to discuss your possible class needs. I look forward to working with you.

".. Can you take my class with you on your next adventure?!"